Casino tattoo

  • 21 Exciting Gambling Tattoos

    21 exciting gambling tattoos

    Save a bit of your gambling money to enjoy life at its fullest with a tattoo. You could be attracted by these exciting gambling tattoos!

  • 90 Playing Casino Tattoos – Lucky Ideas, part 1/3

    90 Playing Casino Tattoos – Lucky Ideas, part 1/3

    To stylishly flaunt a gambler’s paradise, ink connoisseurs are experiencing a masterful metamorphosis via playing card tattoos. These dashing emblems can turn you into the sexiest walking casino around!

  • 90 Playing Casino Tattoos – Lucky Ideas, part 2/3

    90 Playing Casino Tattoos – Lucky Ideas, part 1/3

    To spice up your playing card ink, you can add some alluring visual elements. Many tattoo lovers enjoy the magnetism of a poker deck on fire. Furthermore, the Ace of Spades has some occult oomph to back it up.

  • 90 Playing Casino Tattoos – Lucky Ideas, part 3/3

    90 Playing Casino Tattoos – Lucky Ideas, part 3/3

    The tradition of ornamenting the body with symbols came to us from ancient times. Tattoos protected, told everybody about the fate of their hosts and attracted luck. Each ornament had its destiny and was closely connected with spiritual world of their host

  • Gambling Tattoos are Symbol of Gambler's Lifestyle

    Gambling Tattoos are Symbol of Gambler's Lifestyle

    A tattoo is a popular kind of body art. For gamblers tattoo is a opportunity to show the main essence of them life. Gambling tattoos are representative of a person who likes taking risks, someone who loves the thrill of living on the edge, and someone who has lady Luck on their side.